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tv   The Place for Politics 2016  MSNBC  October 5, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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first, bracing for a major hit. millions of people in florida and south carolina under mandatory evacuation orders with hurricane matthew barrelling toward the southeast coast. later this hour we are expecting a briefing from the coast guard. that's going to happen at any minute. we'll bring it to you live. president obama speaking at fee ma in d.c. warning folks to get ready for the strongest hurricane to hit florida in more than a decade. >> we anticipate that by tomorrow morning it will be having a significant effect in florida and has the potential to strengthen and move up the coast. >> there is a political storm brewing, too. with just 34 days until this election a new poll out about 45 seconds ago shows hillary clinton with a two-point lead in the critical swing state of ohio. interesting numbers. all of it as trump makes a push to turn nevada today.
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holding the first of two rallies around an hour from now. so much to get to. especially the spin on the vice presidential performance as they get ready for sunday's presidential debate. donald trump is scheduled to speak next hour. katy, what can we expect from donald trump and how is the campaign trying to put a spin on mike pence's performance? >> donald trump and his campaign are both trying to paint governor pence as the clear winner from last night's debate saying tim kaine interrupted him repeatedly though donald trump himself repeatedly interrupted hillary clinton in his own debate. what we can take away is the straight contrast between the two men frankly. between governor pence and his running mate donald trump and the way they prepare for these things. governor pence is said to have been preparing since day one when he found out he would be
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the running mate for donald trump. going over policy issues nationally and internationally. donald trump didn't do the same prep. it clearly shows where governor pence was. he was erratic. governor pence deflected criticism. donald trump took the bait. while governor pence turned the conversation into more favorable territory, donald trump wasn't able to do so during his debate. the campaign will try to take a few lessons from governor pence's performance last night and try to apply it to donald trump for his coming debate. the next is sunday in st. louis. it is a podiumless debate. this is a town hall setting where donald trump and hillary clinton will be able to go to the crowd and speak to people in the crowd. it is a setting we haven't seen donald trump in on the national stage of the scale so far. this campaign season, after all he's a new politician.
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new to this entire sphere. hillary clinton not as new. we'll see if he's able to maintain his cool this time and find a way to redirect to more favorable territory. talking about the clinton foundation. talking about benghazi, the economy. the stuff the trump campaign hopes their candidate focuses on. the last debate certainly didn't show that. he's here in nevada for two rallies, as you said this is a swing state he hopes to turn. the poll you mentioned about ohio shows hillary clinton up by two points. she was up by four in the same monmouth poll the last time they did it. that's an outlier at the moment. we'll see if the debate sunday changes any of it. >> you know donald trump on the campaign trail as well as
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anyone. what do you make of the fact that because pence did well trump is grumpy about it or pence put distance between himself and his running mate? >> reporter: our colleague at cnbc said aides were worried governor pence's performance was so good and his distancing himself from donald trump's positions, not defending trump's decisions may not go over well with the candidate or the fact that he's been praised for his performance may not go over well with the candidate who doesn't like being up staged. my sources haven't been able to confirm it so far. i can tell you earlier in the campaign season there was talk behind the scenes about who they would pick for donald trump's running mate. they were worried about somebody potentially up staging him like newt gingrich or chris christie upstaging him on the national scale since they have so much more depth when it comes to policy. governor pence does have more depth and more of a disciplined
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ability to keep the subject in territory he wants to keep it in. so far i have not been able to confirm any sources telling me donald trump is unhappy with the idea of being up staged by governor pence last night. >> we'll talk nevada later in the show more. meantime i want to go to kristen welker. when we talk about tim kaine's performance and looking ahead to sunday night's debate and how it set the stage a lot of critics hit him for being too pushy, an interrupter that didn't have the demeanor he needed to but clinton's team is trying to spin it as a win, right? >> they are. you're right. even democrats would acknowledge that he did come off as being very aggressive. he did interrupt. however the clinton campaign is spinning it to say it is still a win. the reason is he raised a host
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of controversial comments from donald trump. he reminded voters about the controversial comments he made about women, about mexicans, about banning all muslims. he got it out there. he defended donald trump which he didn't do in a number of instances. the clinton campaign out with a new ad today called "indefensible." >> let's start with not praising vladimir putin as a great leader. donald trump and mike pence said he's a great leader. >> no, we haven't. >> vladimir putin has been a stronger leader in his country than barack obama has been in this country. >> the trump campaign out with a duelling ad which characterizes tim kaine as the interrupter. bottom line is secretary clinton left for d.c. to attend. we were told she e-mailed him to
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say he did a good job. the pressure is on her as she approaches the second campaign. she's doing prep a her home in d.c. among those helping her prepare for the town hall style event. i was out on the campaign trail with her. we talked about the fact that this is a town hall style debate. it is different. the key is listening to the audience questions. that's what she's going to be practicing. i can tell you from having been on the campaign trail for 16 months she does seem comfortable in a town hall-style setting. the question is will she deliver on sunday night? she said and her top aides say she'll prepare as aggressively as she did for the first debate. >> 16 months? is that all? thank you very much. i appreciate it. joining us live. >> who's counting? >> hurricane matthew. breaking news. leaving behind a path of destruction in the caribbean as it heads for the florida coastline.
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evacuations have started. the category three storm. the most powerful one to hit the u.s. in more than a decade. president obama got a briefing from fema. listen. >> if there is an evacuation order in your community, take it seriously. not only is there a chance the core of the storm strikes florida and some of the states further north but even if they don't get the full force we'll still see the potential for storm surge and that could have a devastating effect. >> florida is where we find blake mccoy who is joining us now. people are getting ready. we heard from rick scott this morning. give us the latest. what are people doing as they look ahead to landfall?
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>> gathering supplies and preparing. we have seen the track of the storm shift several times. he's telling floridians to have three days worth of supplies in the home. power going out is a serious concern. it would be quite some time before crews get in to restore power. the empty shelf, flashlights. they are out of bottled water here. they say they are expecting to get more emergency shipments in today. they are waiting for those. we haven't seen any yet this morning. governor rick scott has given multiple press conferences within the last 30 minutes. he was sounding the alarm. >> i cannot emphasize it enough that everyone in the state must prepare now for a direct hit. just remember, with the storm along the coast a small deviation from this track could mean a catastrophic storm along
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the east coast. >> it looks like the storm will be having the worst impact in florida's gold coast. brevard county has the only mandatory evacuation. that's up by cape canaveral. we are south of that here. there is a tropical storm warning. these storms can change on a dime. people in florida know it. they are all preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. hallie? >> we talk about the storm track changing on a dime. let's bring in bonny schneider with the latest. where should people be most concerned about this? what are you looking at? >> anywhere from florida through the carolinas because of the proximity of the storm. it will really make a difference. we are looking at a category three hurricane. 55 miles northeast of cuba. the storm made two land falls.
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one in haiti and again in the eastern tip of cuba. we have hurricane warnings to daytona beach. continuing to work across the bahamas. it's bringing downpours and winds. that's the problem. notice the intensity by tomorrow morning. it is a category three now. this water is shallow and warm. we'll see intensification up to 130 miles per hour winds. we'll watch so closely. how close will the storm get to the florida peninsula? as it works into the coastline the proximity will make a difference in whether or not we see hurricane force winds actually hit the coast. and where the storm comes up. eventually we start talking over the weekend about it pushing away from the carolinas. it's too soon because the threat is florida. this is a look at the forecast for the winds.
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notice how close the eye is to west palm beach. we could see hurricane force winds over 74 miles per hour. just a little bit of a jog to the west can make a huge difference for areas like day know that beach, melbourne through south carolina. a big concern is not only the wind but the rain. some models are showing the little stretch here along charleston. we could see ten inches of rain from the storm. this is a slow mover. as the rain piles in from the atlantic it brings treacherous downpours florida into the carolinas. i want to show you the computer models. we have seen so much fluctuation. even overnight. some saying the storm will loop around. it looks like a lot of models are shifting away from cape hatteras. as we look at the forecast one model is showing we could see 15 inches or more of rain across the bahamas. because the storm is a slow
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mover. we have strong gusts into florida. that will be 9:00 on thursday. maybe sooner. this is something to watch closely. the coastline. a few miles could make a difference. >> the next 24 hours so critical. thank you. >> in the next hour we expect a coast guard press conference in florida. that's where we'll hear from officials at the coast toward about what they expect from the tropical storm, this hurricane that's barrelling towards coastal florida. we are keeping an eye on it and tracking the latest in politics. hillary clinton giving tim kaine a big thumbs-up for the debate performance last night. the trump camp including his son eric proclaiming mike pence the winner. how effective was pence at defending trump and the agenda last night? we'll break it down with the republican strategist next. all of it leading to the microsoft pulse question.
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did that change who you will vote for in november? the pulse is live. get out there. let us know what you think at twitter, facebook, snap chat. talk soon. narrat: adventure can be found anywhere but the best place to start is in thforest. kubo: i spy something beginning with..."s" beetle: snow. kubo: no. beetle: snow covered trees. monkey: nothing to do with snow. narrator: head outside to discover incredible animals beautiful plants that come togeer to create an unforgettable adnture. kubo: wow! narrator: so grab your loved ones monkey: don't even narrator: and explore a world of possibilities kubo: come on, this way. narrator: visit to find the closest fores. parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplemeninsurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window.
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just in, news about hillary clinton calling tim kaine about an hour and a half ago to congratulate tim kaine on his performance at last night's debate. an aide to clinton said they spoke about what's next, what's to come, how excited they are about nt month with clinton
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congratulating him on criminal justice, the economy. she's doing debate prep in washington ahead of sunday's debate. donald trump called mike pence. the tickets checking in with each other. i had a chance to catch up with donald trump's son eric in the spin room very briefly. here's that. eric, quick reaction to how he wid? >> he did an absolutely amazing job. >> reporter: why do you think he didn't defend his father when asked to do so. >> he did an incredible job. >> eric dodging the second question. you saw at several points mike pence was put on the spot by tim kaine to defend the gop ticket. he did so by denying tickets that were true. listen. >> senator, you whipped out that mexican thing again. >> look, when mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best.
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they are bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're rapists and some, i assume, are good people. >> the campaign of hillary clinton and tim kaine is an avalanche of insults. >> i would fire rosy and look her in her fat ugly face and say you're fired. >> i like people who weren't captured. >> he said vladimir putin is a better leader than barack obama. >> that's inaccurate. >> it is inarguable that vladimir putin has been a stronger leader in his country than barack obama has been in this country. >> that was mike pence last night. donald trump today, by the way, take a look at this. he's in vegas. this is him moments ago at a private school shaking hands with an otr or a quick stop. you saw katy tur in nevada. that's where he watched the vice presidential debate.
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live tweeting it, of course. declaring pence the winner as the gop did before the debate began. joining me now as we keep an eye on donald trump in vegas, republican strategist susan dell furcio, thanks for being with us. >> great to see you. >> you heard the mash-up we had of mike pence essentially denying comments that, in fact, actually happened. things he said and things his running mate said. what's the strategy? >> to really just not make news. if he had to do anything last night mike pence had to not make mistakes so therefore he exceeded expectations. yes, the day after story is tough. governor pence is an experienced politician. he answered questions like experienced politicians do and deflected from it. the important thing is that this vice presidential debate was able to stop the drip, drip, drip donald trump was doing as far as hurting his campaign in the last week with crazy
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comments. mike pence did his job for the ticket last night. >> they say that. there is chatter that maybe mike pence, chuck todd. maybe not so much for donald trump. is that a fair criticism. he made himself look good as far as throwing himself behind his running mate. >> there is something to the statement. at the same time vice presidential debates don't matter much. the candidates matter only to some extent. this is a one-day news story. they will move on from it. governor pence has every right to take care of his own political future as well. i would agree with that assessment. >> let me ask you. we talked about this with my colleague earlier. the idea that perhaps donald trump isn't so thrilled he might be up staged by a better performance from mike pence than donald trump had at the first debate. what do you make of it? >> i was almost surprised donald
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trump didn't have an interview, to take the spotlight. i checked my phone before i went on air. donald trump has not tweeted anything in several hours. it's probably the most disciplined he's been post a big event in the last 16 months. >> you talk about it being a one-day news story. they haven't moved the table but on policy and substance mike pence took a harder line on russia than donald trump has. this is a split for these two men at the same ticket on the republican ticket. having different opinions on policy. do you not see it having fallout down the road? >> the fallout could be the next debate on sunday. that's why i said it is a one day story. people are focused on what donald trump and hillary clinton will do on sunday night. the question is does it come up? at the town hall will that be a question asked?
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if it does i don't think donald trump has the pliolitical skill governor pence does to answer the question as well? >> thanks so much. >> thank you. >> on the other side of the screen you saw donald trump in vegas in a classroom now at a private school in nevada. perhaps seeing the star spangled banner there. he's going to head to two rallies today. we'll talk about what it means for trump's campaign specifically coming up later in the hour. in the meantime, we are following a big story. the states of emergency. hurricane matthew threatening major damage in the southeast as the storm churns across the atlantic. up next, how people in matthew's path are bracing for impact. stay with us. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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i am totally blind. i lost my ght in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit here's what we are monitoring now. this is a coast guard news
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conference happening live in florida. we are listening in. if there was news to bring you we'll cut in with breaking news as we monitor more from hurricane matthew. that storm now hammering haiti. leaving the country in devastation. at least 17 people are believed to have been killed by the terrible storm. it is now churning to the bahamas. people have to be hunkering down. what can you tell us? >> especially today. long lines at the grocery store. people filling up their cars with gas when they can find it. a lot of gas stations have run out. they are boarding up businesses and homes. this is a church here. this has been boarded up. i'm here with the guy who boarded it up named rico taylor.
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what are you doing to protect your mother's house? >> boarding up the when maddows from flying debris. propane lines. making sure any fire hazards, electronics taking them off the floors or whatever. it's very high risk. especially in this area. the houses are on the with our. what's the worst case scenario? >> total property loss. especially on the southern side of new providence. >> where we are. that's a hard thing to deal with. i will let you get back to prep. a lot of people have been
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affected. some of the locals from the southern islands. the prime minister is saying it becomes dangerous and people are leaving he will force evacuations. back to you. >> we have msnbc's mariana atenzio from north carolina. the governor is calling for evacuation of coastal areas at 3:00. i'm looking at the highway. it looks clear for now. are people heeding the warning and getting out of town? >> reporter: it does look clear. half an hour ago there was a traffic jam. google maps said it takes an additional hour to get to colombia. there is a military vehicle there on the eastbound side. that's because the lane reversals on the eastbound side are going to start to happen at
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3:00 p.m. as you mentioned. some of the 3700 law enforcement officers have already started to redirect traffic as residents, desperate families try to get as far as from matthew as they can. also a few minutes ago we saw on the eastbound side a caravan of empty school buses. that's part of that fleet of 280 school buses sent from greenville county to the coastal areas of charleston to help in the evacuations. hallie? >> thanks so much. tim kaine, by the way, taking heat as we shift gears to politics. did he score a win for hillary clinton or did he scare away potential voters? next we'll talk to a democratic colleague of tim kaine to gauge his performance. first your responses so far to the microsoft pulse question. did last night's vp debate between governor pence and
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senator tim kaine change who you will vote for in november? 16% of you said yes. 84% said no. 16% is higher than i would have thought. head to pulse. we'll be right back. redid you say 97?97! yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's 97% customer satisfaction rating. helped by geico's fast and friendlylaims rvice. huh... oh yeah, baby. geico's as fast and friendly as it gets. woo! geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. that i would never le become a superhero.
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[singing indistinctly] but learned how to fly. just tcome back in a new disguise,inctly]
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and i thank the people of california for putting it on the ballot. and it will be a real blow fpagainst this greedy industrynd jsbecause it knew an ordinary1re thpwastissue was the fiery tissue left her nose sore and red.
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so dad slayed the problem with puffs plus lotion, instead. puffs have pillowy softness for data's tender nose. with lotion to comfort and soothe when she blows. don't get burned by ordinary tissues. a nose in need deserves puffs, indeed. now get puffs plus lotion in the squeezable softpack. donald trump called me late last night from nevada to c congratulate me on the debate. that meant the world to me, it truly did. some people think i won. [ cheers and applause ] but i will leave that to others. what i can tell you is from where i sat donald trump won the debate. >> that's governor mike pence just this hour in harrisonburg, virginia. new reaction to his own
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performance at last night's debate. taking a swipe, too, at the rally against tim kaine. right now this is donald trump visiting a private school ahead of the first of his two speeches in nevada next hour. i want to bring in jack reid. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> since you worked with senator kaine, some called it condescending, rude. do you think his attack style attitude over shadowed the points he wa trying to make? >> not at all. he was extremely well prepared. he focused on issues and frankly i think donald trump lost that debate because governor pence made no serious attempt to defend donald trump. he dismissed accusations, changed the subject. he did everything but stand up strongly for donald trump.
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i think the loser last evening was donald trump. is the tim kaine on stage the one you know? >> it is. someone who is well prepared -- >> somebody who interrupts frequently? is aggressive? >> he's aggressive. he makes his points. when he speaks and this is on a bipartisan basis, people listen. he's thoughtful, well prepared. he was trying to make the case and asked governor pence to defend some outrageous statements by mr. trump in terms of ethnic minorities in the united states, foreign policy issues, why he hasn't released his taxes. throughout, governor pence decided to change the subject. i think the end of the day, donald trump is still sitting there as someone who has not been effectively explained or defended. >> i want to ask you a policy
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question. pence was straying on key topics including on foreign policy. pence criticized russia for supporting air strikes by syrian dictator bashar al assad and said the u.s. should be prepared to strike military targets in the assad regime. what do you make of that apparent shift? >> it seems it is a discontinuity. he's been working with the russians. he has admiration for vladimir putin. it's completely inconsistent from what the candidate is saying. obviously there is a disagreement between the vice presidential nominee and the presidential nominee. in the world of donald trump i don't think he listens to anybody. he'll take his opinion and go forth. that's why it's a danger. >> i want to talk about former president bill clinton getting
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flak for a comment made about the affordable care act. i want to play you this comment and how donald trump is using it already. >> you have this crazy system. it's the craziest thing in the world. >> he's absolutely trashed president obama's signature legislation. of all people, maybe he's not a very good surrogate. >> obamacare has been called hillary clinton's potential november surprise. november 1 is when consumers could see a major rate increase. how much did the former president step in it here? >> well, the president pointed out today he supported the affordable care act while it was being developed and passed. he has, like many of us, criticisms over the application. one of the problems we have had frankly is that in the last several years the republicans have decided they wanted to repeal it. they tried to repeal it in times in the house of representatives
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rather than correcting and fixing it. sensible reforms would help everyone. they are not interested in sensible reforms. they want to make a point, not good policy. >> you say there is criticism of the applications but this is a campaign wedge issue. twice in the last two days he hit this. i suspect it will happen again. one of the interesting things about mr. trump is he's been attacking affordable care since the beginning of this campaign. the american people will say, okay, fine. if you think this is not an appropriate policy, what's your policy? he's got something great, terrific, et cetera. once again it sounds like trump university. just believe me. you'll be all set. there are a lot of people regretting that they believed donald trump. >> democratic senator jack reed joining us from the capitol. >> thank you. >> donald trump making a big play for nevada. he's set to hold the first of two rallies there in just under
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an hour. as he visits a private school. this is a state, remember, that voted democrat in the past two elections. can trump turn the silver state red on november 8? this is msnbc, the place for politics. more to come. stick around. with my moderate to severe crohn's disease,... ...i was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i had it covered. then i realized managing was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said humira was f people like me who have tried other medicaons,... but still experience thesyms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. but still experience thesyms in clinical studies, the majoty of patients on humira saw siificant symptomthesyms inrelief... studies, the majoty of patients ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your abity to fight infections... ...inclung tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,... including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system proems, serious alrgic reactions,... ...and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell youdoctor iyou've been to aas
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as we take a look at live pictures of donald trump in nevada, the head of ford -- bill ford ford, jr. -- said he met with donald trump to talk about his near constant criticism of ford about investments in mexico. he said he thought trump's criticism was infuriating and frustrating. this as hillary clinton has a
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three-point edge over donald trump in nevada where you saw him. that's still within the poll's margin of error. joining me, radio talk show host heidi harris. joining us from -- i think you're on the strip in vegas. >> absolutely. the best place in the world. >> let's talk about the polling showing the battleground state. peter hart described voters in the state as angry. is that the vibe you are getting from listeners? >> i think we were hit really hard during the recession. when donald trump talks about jobs it gets to a lot of people. nevada is an interesting state. we have a huge union. the culinary union has 60,000 members and they vote democrat. >> with donald trump there are a lot of people who relate to him. he has a hotel on the strip. a lot of people do. when the primary election happened i couldn't believe most were voting for trump. he resonates with people.
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we're all about the flash and the cash in nevada. a lot of people like him. >> there are only 34 days left. every minute is precious. henderson and reno. is that smart strategically for him? >> yeah. i don't know why he bothers coming here. we have six electoral votes. it is a battleground state. it's interesting where he goes. i don't know why he picks the state he shows up in. the rallies are popular and the last time he was supposed to have one it got cancelled last minute. in general he packs places. people like what he has to say. i think a lot of people will come out for him than would have come out for ted cruz, for example. i was more of a ted cruz fan myself. i don't think he generated the excitement donald trump has, certainly not in nevada. >> you say you are a ted cruz fan. we have heard about his
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likability. new polling showing voters have reservations about this. the last debate of the season before that how high are the stakes for donald trump in this intimate town hall setting to show he can be more relatable? >> that's a big deal. it is important. especially after mike pence's fantastic performance. he was measured. didn't take the bait. i think donald trump will have to be a little bit more like that in the town hall to show he could be measured to have the temperament to be president. a lot of people may be sitting on the fence. there are so many independents, undecideds out there. those are the people trump has to get in his corner. >> thanks so much. after the leak of the 1995 tax return showing how he may have been able to avoid paying federal income taxes for nearly two decades. up next we'll hear from the man
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who prepared the tax return and understanding the tax system better than anybody else. you will not want to miss this interview. stick around. z. listen to me. i am captain of the track team, and if i'm late... she doesn't really think she's going to get out of here, does she? be nice. she's new. hello! is anyone there? rrr! wow. even from our standards,
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you look awful. oh, sweetie, what happened? girl: me? my friend becky got to talk to this super-cute boy, and i tried to act like i wasn't jealous, but i so totally was, and then, out of nowhere, this concrete barer just popped up. maybit was a semi. u mean you were driving? yeah. i me, i know the wle "eyeson n but this was a super important text. maybe you have to know becky. texting? great. but it was only, like, 5 seconds, and i'm a really, really fast texter, so it wasn't even a big deal. actually, has she texted me back yet? [squishing sound] wow, i get, like, no bars in this place. i wonder if they have wi-fi here.
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donald trump has filed over a hundred pages of financial disclosures. he's going to. >> i need to ask you about audit social security. >> that was the vp contenders clashing over the issues of donald trump's tax returns. new york times got a hold of three pages of trump's 1995 income tax returns and reported trump could have avoided paying taxes for the following 18 years. nbc news just interviewed jack
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who handles trump's taxes for 30 years. cynthia is joining me, tell me about jack's relationship with donald trump. >> he said he has known donald trump since 18-year-old. he works for his father. fred trump is a detailed oriented man and donald trump is a broad stroke. he was an expert on it and only he could fix it. we asked him about that, take a listen. >> as far as i know and that only goes through late '96, he did not understand the code nor would he had the time or the patience to learn the provisions. that's a lifetime of experience. >> he knew that we would produce
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the lowest possible tax within the law. he never wanted details. >> he says in fact, halie, donald trump had nothing to do with the preparations of the 1995 taxes that we saw released over the weekend. >> expert, according to his tax adviser and cpa for 30 years. >> what did mitnick say about donald trump's curiosity of the details of the tax code >> he indicated that during the time he worked for donald trump, it was more that his wife would ask questions than donald trump. he was a big picture guy. fred trump was more detailed oriented guy but in terms of taxes, he did not seem to indicate that donald trump was involved at all. as we just talked about, new
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york times, reported that potential potentially donald trump could have paid taxes for 18 years. did mitnick had anything to say about that? >> he said he thought that times went too far in suggesting that. if you had a lost of nearly a billion dollars, you would have been permitted to reduce your taxes for 15 years going forward and three years going back. that part is well settled. that was the law at the time. he feel that is "the times" went too far suggesting that and there is no way to know from the documents that we have seen so far. >> so mitnick has been hounded by media for about five or six days now. how is he handling it and what is his sense in being thrust in the spotlight here. >> he was the person or one of the people, he was the name
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person in the new york times article awe ththe authenticated documents. other journalists did not a-- i was my strategy that donald trump is now claiming as his. i think he also wants to indicate that as far as he's concerned, journalists have gone too far and whether or not trump did or did not pay taxes going back based on the number of documents that we have seen. that's what mr. mitnick would like to know. >> thank you, cynthia mcfadden >> live from washington
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university in st. louis, i will be out there ton road at 1:00 and the live telecast at 9:00 p.m. followed by our late night coverage. i hear the road warriors will be making a cameo. set your dvr.
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now pre-treat with clorox 2! watch stains disappearrig. remove 4 times more stains than detergent alone. welcome back, bill clinton on the road today in ohio getting out there for hillary clinton and now weighing in with new reactions to last night's debate. you can see the former president. he was asked about the debate. he said "tim kaine did just fine but he hit if format a little bit." hillary clinton was looking forward to the town hall style format thinking that'll play to her strengths but potentially a little bit more as we look ahead to sunday's night second show down.
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>> so a lot to look ahead to these next 48 to 72 hours. time now to one last look of your microsoft pulse question. did last night's vp debate between senator cocaine and mike pence changed? 14 say yes and 86 say no. there is still time to weigh in, head to, tweet me or my colleague, thomas roberts, tweet me, ingram and facebook. picture poison, i will be checking in. thomas roberts is in new york. hi pal. >> yes, i will see you in st. louis. good to have you with me, i am thomas roberts. two big stories we are following this hour. mother nature including breaking news and updates moments ago on
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hurricane matthew, this could be the first major hurricane to hit the u.s. in ta decade. evacuations and preparations as millions brace for the impact of matthew. a direct hit on florida regardless if there is a direct hit or not, the impact will be devastating. i cannot emphasize enough that everyone in our state must prepare now for a direct hit. donald trump is holding a rally in battleground nevada, it is his first rally since live tweeting of last night's debate. did he feel upsta stage by the number two of his ticket. the new information just in on this monster storm over the next critical 36 hours. our meteorologist and correspondence are in place across the southeast and here at the msnbc weather center, that's where i want to start with our meteorologist bonnie snyder. what's the


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